Thursday, July 23, 2015

Where has the time gone??

We have just gotten back from our first vacation in 2 1/2 years and I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. I can't believe it is the end of July, ALREADY! I can't believe it is 2015! I can't believe how old I feel (trust me, I know I'm not that old). The last few years have just flown by, but I'm not completely complaining. These past few years have been great and I have learned a lot about life as a grown up and myself. It isn't as fun and carefree being an adult as I once thought as a child. I remember being thrilled about being on my own and working and taking care of myself. Now that I am doing it, I wish I could be that child again! lol It was a lot less stressful being a child and being told what to do and where to go. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, I love my life, I love my husband and my dog, but I miss the times when it wasn't hard to be everything and do everything. Sometimes when I am watching TV Shows, I get jealous because they make it look so easy, but it's like DUH! it's a tv show (or movie). When did life catch up to me like this. When did I become this responsible adult who does their own laundry, cleans the house, cooks dinner, takes care of her husband and dog, and works. It's a hard life but it's a great life. I wouldn't trade my life for anyone else's. I couldn't imagine myself having a career where I have to sit at my desk all day every day and not have people interaction. I couldn't imagine living in a big city and the cost of living would sky rocket compared to what I am currently used to. I think I just miss the carefree go as you please summer compared to the work and building up vacation time. I had a great vacation at the beach and it has been so hard to transition back from some reason. I am finally getting there and being productive but I think about the array my house is currently in and my last weekend off with nothing planned to do I know I will be spending it getting my house back in order. Two weeks from tomorrow, my athletes will be moving in. I am beyond excited for this cross country season to start and see where my guys and girls teams will go, but I am not ready for summer to end. I have a lot to get done between then and now and that includes getting fit again. I took a few weeks off and now its time to be healthy and eat healthy. With that, I am officially starting P90X.... again. Hopefully I can stick with it and be fit and stay fit! So happy running, happy fitness, happy eating, and happy fall! :)

Monday, June 9, 2014


Lately, I have been "pinning" on pinterest a lot lately, just because. I look at all the different crafts for the home, for clothing, whatever, all the food items, the funnies, the home decor, etc. It all turns into what I would love to do or what I want to do for the home. But then I rethink it because I am like, I am not crafty, I cannot do those to look exactly like that. I remember I am sporty and not crafty. I also then see all the photos of others that have attempted similar food recipes or crafts, and failed... and I am like, oh look, that would be me!
So then I stick to the things I can accomplish without fail, the workouts, "trying" to be healthier, not exactly healthy but just healthier than I have currently been. I look at the fashion stuff, and see if i could put my current clothes selection together to make such an outfit, and think, NOPE. lol
To sum it up, Pinterest is great for a lot of different things; wedding planning, birthday's, food recipes (simiple ones for me please), etc. However, when it goes to the more difficult things I take a pass and go do crunches instead. But whoever invented the idea of Pinterest, is in my mind, a genius for all the females out there. Before pinterest, how did we come up with such ideas. I don't know how I would have planned my wedding without the help of pinterest, sorry to those who got married before Pinterest times. There are some nights I lay awake sleepless, and I am like "Oh, I can PIN!!!!"
The excitement is unreal...

Thursday, June 5, 2014


I am beyond excited that in just bout 2 weeks, summer will officially be here! Summer is my favorite season of the year! I love the activities during the summer, such as picnics, boating, swimming, going to the lake, amusement parks, just to name a few. I also  love the warm air and great atmosphere by everyone! It seems everyone enjoys summer in some way or another and that is exciting! For my husband, those activities also include golfing (which I am also learning), badminton, volleyball, softball, basketball (still), tennis, and other relate-able sports. We both are defiantly summer people, which works out for the both of us, now our dog, not so much a summer dog with the exception of his "sun spot" in our backyard. The outcome of too much sun for Charlie is this:

Overheated to the max... poor guy :(

In addition to all these acitivties, my husband and I will be traveling to Costa Rica this summer with the coaches from the University for a mission trip. We are both beyond excited to be a part of this!!
I just am writing to express my love for this summer and how much fun we are having already and its not even officially summer yet!! So happy summer everyone, have fun, be safe, and take advantage of the season! :)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year, New Me

A couple things I have chosen to do differently in life for 2014! One of them being to actually write on my blog... haha
Another is that each month I am going to do something different to better myself health wise. I am attempting to teach myself better eating and healthy habits. So each month of the year I am either going to take something out or do something to better myself. Here is what I came up with:

January: No Cokes
February: No dessert item; this is ice cream, cakes, chocolate, candy, etc.
March: Drink only water this month
April: Eat a vegetable and a fruit every day
May: No Bread
June: No snacking; eating at breakfast, lunch, and dinner only
July: No eating anything after 8pm
August: No fast food
September: Do 100 crunches and 100 push ups everyday
October: Nothing with caffeine
November: No sugar
December: No fried food of any kind

Some months are going to be harder than others, but these will help me become healthier and thats my ultimate goal for 2014 is a Healthy Hilary!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Charlie stuck

Getting himself stuck in a hanger... Ooh dear puppy.

Foot surgery

Had foot surgery this past weekend.. This is the results as of today!!!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Workout Detour

Yesterday was the first day I had to change my workout schedule around. My original plan was to run my 2.5 miles after softball, one minor detail was that it was tournament time for Co-ed Church League softball, and we won our first game!! We then had to come back at 8:30pm and play another game, which we lost. But because of all that, we did not even get home until almost 10 pm and I cannot forget about dinner. So I changed yesterday to my "cross training" day and today is now my 2.5 mile run!
That's why I like that it's my plan, I can change it around however I feel fit!! :)