We have just gotten back from our first vacation in 2 1/2 years and I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. I can't believe it is the end of July, ALREADY! I can't believe it is 2015! I can't believe how old I feel (trust me, I know I'm not that old). The last few years have just flown by, but I'm not completely complaining. These past few years have been great and I have learned a lot about life as a grown up and myself. It isn't as fun and carefree being an adult as I once thought as a child. I remember being thrilled about being on my own and working and taking care of myself. Now that I am doing it, I wish I could be that child again! lol It was a lot less stressful being a child and being told what to do and where to go. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, I love my life, I love my husband and my dog, but I miss the times when it wasn't hard to be everything and do everything. Sometimes when I am watching TV Shows, I get jealous because they make it look so easy, but it's like DUH! it's a tv show (or movie). When did life catch up to me like this. When did I become this responsible adult who does their own laundry, cleans the house, cooks dinner, takes care of her husband and dog, and works. It's a hard life but it's a great life. I wouldn't trade my life for anyone else's. I couldn't imagine myself having a career where I have to sit at my desk all day every day and not have people interaction. I couldn't imagine living in a big city and the cost of living would sky rocket compared to what I am currently used to. I think I just miss the carefree go as you please summer compared to the work and building up vacation time. I had a great vacation at the beach and it has been so hard to transition back from some reason. I am finally getting there and being productive but I think about the array my house is currently in and my last weekend off with nothing planned to do I know I will be spending it getting my house back in order. Two weeks from tomorrow, my athletes will be moving in. I am beyond excited for this cross country season to start and see where my guys and girls teams will go, but I am not ready for summer to end. I have a lot to get done between then and now and that includes getting fit again. I took a few weeks off and now its time to be healthy and eat healthy. With that, I am officially starting P90X.... again. Hopefully I can stick with it and be fit and stay fit! So happy running, happy fitness, happy eating, and happy fall! :)
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